Bulk Import Rules

Refer to the following rules when uploading a CSV file to Percipio.

  • You can only assign a role that has equal or fewer privileges than your role. For example, a learning admin cannot assign a user the site admin role.
  • For organizations that do not have SAML enabled, the required CSV field for bulk import is loginName. See the CSV field values table for details.
  • For organizations with SAML enabled, the required CSV field for bulk import is externalUserID. See the CSV field values table for details.
  • Imported user profile values must be unique, as defined in the CSV field values table.
  • To update or change an existing user's User ID, enter the new User ID in the newExternalUserId field.
  • If an optional field in the CSV file is empty, Percipio applies the same default values as when you create a new user.
  • If you need to update users passwords, add a column to the bulk template entitled updatePassword. Specify the new password in this column. Percipio does not notify the user of the password change. See the Additional CSV field values table for details.
  • If you need to force users to update passwords, add a column to the bulk template entitled mustResetPassword. Enter a value of Yes in this column. See the Additional CSV field values table for details.
  • The header row of the CSV file that contains the CSV field ID is case sensitive. If the capitalization does not match, Percipio reports an error on that column during data import. To avoid a case mismatch, a best practice is to download the template as a starting point.
  • If a custom list attribute has the Allow multiple values to be selected for this attribute option selected, you can specify multiple values for an individual user by separating each value with a | (pipe) character.
  • If any of your attributes contain special characters, save the import file as CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv) to maintain the special characters during the import.
  • Enclose an attribute value that contains a comma in double quotations to retain the comma within the attribute value. Continue using a comma to separate the attribute values.
    Example: You have an attribute called Job Title. A value for a user is Manager, HRIS. The entry for user called Kelly James in HR in your CSV file might look like:
    Kelly, James, "Manager, HRIS", HR
  • For user attributes, values must be unique but are not case sensitive.
  • Example: If you have a user attribute of location with a value of boston, Percipio reads BOston, BOSTON, and Boston as the same value, boston.