Technical Support for IT Teams
The Percipio app for Microsoft Teams is not storing any user or company-specific information. The app routes all the learner requests from Microsoft Teams to Percipio’s cloud servers. The security standards adhered to by Percipio web app and Microsoft Teams are also standards used by the Percipio app for Microsoft Teams.
For any issues/questions related to the deployment, please work with your Skillsoft account team. If you are unsure who that is, please reach out to the Skillsoft Support team so we can direct your case to the appropriate person.
User access and data

The login functionality of the Percipio web application is also used with the Percipio app for Microsoft Teams. More specifically, each company's configuration settings for authentication (Percipio username and password credentials or corporate credentials) are honored when authenticating Percipio learners inside Microsoft Teams.
If you use SAML SSO with Percipio, your users will login the same way (using the same login and password) to the Percipio app for Microsoft Teams.

Admins can simplify the login experience of the Percipio Microsoft Teams app by opting to save the sitename. On your first time signing into the Percipio app for Microsoft Teams as an admin, you are prompted to save the sitename. If you are already signed in, you can set the sitename by entering Save sitename in the chat. To clear the sitename, enter Clear sitename in the chat.

Once signed into Percipio, users only need to reauthenticate after the login timeout period expires. See Login Timeout to change the default of 90 days.

The data flows from the Percipio app for Microsoft Teams to Percipio’s cloud servers using standard REST API’s over the secure HTTPS protocol. All data is stored securely within the Percipio cloud platform.

The Percipio app for Teams is not storing any user or company-specific information. The app routes all the learner requests from Microsoft Teams to Percipio’s cloud servers.

Access can be in the form of a username/password combination or a configured single sign-on (SSO) integration. Usage tracking in this scenario will occur both in Percipio and on your LMS, so an integration of that progress tracking should be considered.
Customers whose users only access Percipio content through your LMS will not be able to take advantage of the Percipio app for Microsoft Teams at this time.
Setup and customization

You can deploy the Percipio app using standard Microsoft Teams management practices. You can also refer to Microsoft Teams setup policies, which allow you to customize how the app appears to your users.
For maximum user engagement, we recommend that you pin the Percipio app to the left navigation for your users.

Yes, the company's IT department can give permission to selected group(s) of users. The Manage app permission policies for Microsoft Teams provides instructions.

Yes. You have the ability through the MS Teams App Rebranding process to customize the following parts of the Percipio app:
• Short name
• Short description
• Full description
• Color icon
• Outline icon
• Accent color

Once a learner installs the Percipio app for Microsoft Teams, most feature updates are accessible without the need of re-installing the app. We will send a separate communication in an instance where the app would need to be re-installed.

The security standards adhered to by Percipio and Microsoft Teams are also standards for this integration.

X-XSS-Protection, X-Frame-Options, X-Download-Options, etc

All customer data is categorized as Private and Confidential, which receives our strictest standards of protection.

Yes, Skillsoft does own a Trusted Certificate.

Yes. Percipio infrastructure is deployed in AWS on three Availability Zones, ensuring high availability and complete redundancy. In the unfortunate case of total loss, Skillsoft has a Disaster Recovery (DR) Plan to facilitate the most rapid recovery possible. Skillsoft Cloud Operations has an Incident Recovery Plan that details the responsible parties, the communication protocol and the steps that will be taken in the event of a disaster. Skillsoft Disaster Recovery Plan is built on the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and the Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) application deployment pipeline. In case of a disaster, Skillsoft will deploy a new instance of Percipio in different AWS zone in a few hours.
Skillsoft conducts an annual DR test, staging a rebuild of its SaaS infrastructure, application deployment and data recovery. Annual DR test results are available to customers upon request.

Yes. Skillsoft has selected best-of-breed hardware and software solutions from established industry leaders. Firewalls utilize a most-restrictive policy providing only for known traffic and require port access. Access to firewall systems is strictly controlled and adjustments to any firewall policies is subject to managerial approval prior to implementation.

In a continuing effort to improve the security of the Public Cloud environment, Skillsoft contracts third-party security organizations to conduct annually, full penetration and vulnerability assessment of the Public Cloud Environment. These assessments review Firewall policies, Intrusion Detection and Prevention policies, System patch levels, vulnerability to known software exploits and brute force attacks. Assessment results are available to customers upon request.
Accessibility and compliance

The Percipio app is measured and evaluated against WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 standards issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the applicable version of Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act. You can find descriptions of exceptions or deviations from these standards in our Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs).

In terms of industry standards/certification, Skillsoft’s hosting environment (AWS) is SOC 1/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 (formerly SAS 70), SOC 2, SOC 3, ISO 9001 / ISO 27001, FedRAMP, DoD SRG, and PCI DSS Level 1 Certified.
Skillsoft doesn’t pursue any other industry certification. Security requirements vary greatly from industry to industry, and customer to customer. Skillsoft’s approach is to work with our customers directly to demonstrate compliance with their specific requirements.
See AWS compliance programs for more information.