Testing for Compliance Courses

Depending on the type of compliance course and how the player is configured, the following test options may be available.

Note: If you want to find testing options for non-compliance courses, see Courses.

Assessment Only Compliance Courses

Some compliance courses only have assessments and do not have instructional content. Depending on the type of assessment course, you may have to select an assessment mode:

  • Study Mode: Study Mode is designed to maximize your learning by providing you with feedback specific to your chosen answer after you answer each question. Time spent in Study Mode is reported back to Skillport or your LMS; however, the time does not display on the Test Results page.
  • Certification Mode: Certification mode is designed to mimic a certification testing environment, therefore you do not receive feedback during the test. Once you have completed the test, you can view your score and your elapsed time on the Test Summary page.
    Note: Elapsed Time is rounded down to the nearest minute. If you spend less than one minute in the test, then the time will display as 00:00.

Course-Level Tests

  • Course Pre-test: The compliance course pre-test assesses your knowledge of the learning objectives that are covered in the course before you play the instructional content. Once you complete any other test, the course pre-test option is no longer available.
  • Course test: The course test assesses your knowledge of the learning objectives that were presented to you in the course. To launch the course test, select the CourseTest link from the Course Menu or the Table of Contents. Tests can be taken at anytime.

Lesson-Level Tests

  • Lesson Pre-test: The lesson pre-test assesses your knowledge of the learning objectives that are covered in the lesson before you play the instructional content of a lesson. Once you complete any other test in a lesson, the lesson pre-test option is no longer available for that lesson.
  • Lesson Test: The lesson test assesses your knowledge of the learning objectives presented to you in each lesson. You can take lesson tests individually, or take them all at once by launching the course test.
  • Topic-level Tests: The topic test assesses your knowledge of the learning objectives presented to you in an individual topic. You can take a topic test at any time whether or not you have reviewed the course content for that topic.