Certificates of Completion
You can download and print a certificate of completion for any of the following that you complete in Percipio provided your admin has certificates of completions enabled on your site:
- Skillsoft course
- Aspire Journey
- Custom (AICC/SCORM) course
- Custom journey and certification paths
- Skillsoft Compliance courses if the courses reside in the Percipio Library
- Bootcamps and leadercamps
- Learning programs, if enabled by your admins. See Completed learning programs for information on how to get your learning program certificate.
If you do not see a Download Certificate option, your site does not have this feature enabled or a certificate is not available for that content item. Contact your Site Admin for more information.
Note: If you attempt to download a certificate of completion, but the system displays an error message that your name cannot be read, your first and last name may not be in Percipio's system. Contact your Site Admin to fix this.