Role Advisor

If enabled on your site, Role Advisor, acts as a virtual, skill-building concierge specifically for you and your job role. It provides you with:

  • Skills to focus on. Choose which skills you want to focus on and add your level of proficiency to get content recommendations tailored to your specific needs.
  • Learning recommendations grouped by content type such as courses, books, audiobooks, and labs.
  • Top skills related to your role with content recommendations for obtaining those skills.
  • An array of skill benchmarks that you can use to identify and close skill gaps.
  • Ability to add an aspirational role, if enabled on your site.
  • Ability to switch between current and aspirational roles to ensure learning stays aligned to skills needed by each role.
  • Access to the AI Assistant primed to answer questions based on your role.

Get started

To access the Role Advisor:

  1. Before you can take advantage of the Role Advisor features, you must specify your job role. You can specify your job role in one of the following ways:

    • Your admin does it for you when they set up your user account. You cannot modify your role if your admin sets it up for you.
    • During your first login experience, you may be prompted to enter your job role. Start typing and then select a job role from the list.
    • Select the Role tab in the top section on the Percipio home page, choose Select a role. Start typing and then select a job role from the list.

      Screenshot of role tab in the top section on the Percipio home page.

    • From the left navigation bar, select My Learning, then select Role and Skill Ratings. The Role and Skill Ratings page displays. Choose Add a role. Start typing and then select a job role from the list.
      Note: If you selected your role, you can change it any time. If your admin specifies your role, you cannot change it.
  2. After you select your role, you can view all the Role Advisor features. You can get to the page in one of two ways:

    • From the left navigation bar, select Role Advisor.
    • Select the Role tab in the top section on the Percipio home page, then select Visit your Role Advisor.

    Visit your Role Advisor button located in role tab in the top section of the Percipio home page.

How to use the Role Advisor

When you access the Role Advisor, you see recommended skills needed for your role. If Role Advisor is enabled on your site and you do not see it in the left navigation, change your site language. Role Advisor is not available for all languages.

role advisor page

The Role Advisor guides you in four distinct areas:

  • Focus Skills: Set the skills you want to focus on for your role and add your proficiency level to each skill. Role Advisor recommends content based on the skills you want to focus on and your proficiency level.

  • Get started with a top pick from your Role Advisor: In this section, the Role Advisor shows important content grouped into content types such as course, books, audiobooks, and labs. Items that show in this strip are recommended based on your focus skills. This way you can quickly choose the learning method that works best for you and your schedule in topics that are most important for your role.

  • Role Advisor recommends these skills: Different roles require different skills. Role Advisor showcases the most important skills for your role. When selected, you see content recommendations to help you achieve that skill.

  • AI Assistant: When you launch the AI Assistant from the Role Advisor page, you start from a point of developing skills focused on your current or aspirational role. Simply ask the AI Assistant a question and it will guide you.

  • Practice difficult conversations with CAISY™ AI Simulator: Based on skills identified for your role, this section recommends CAISY simulations to help you improve those skills through crucial conversations. CAISY allows you to practice conversation by providing a safe space and receive real-time personalized feedback.

  • Measure your skills with Skill Benchmarks: If you are not sure where to start, take a skill benchmark. Only benchmarks for skills needed for your role are shown. After you take a benchmark, you see recommendations on where to focus your learning efforts to achieve proficiency in that skill.

Add an aspirational role

If you are aspiring to a different role, and your admin has this feature enabled, you can select an aspirational role. When you specify an aspirational role, you get the following:

  • Targeted skills needed for the aspirational role
  • Identified skill gaps by comparing target skills to current job-role skills
  • Recommended content to close the largest skills gaps first

To add an aspirational role:

  1. From the header area, select Add an aspirational role.

    select your aspirational role pop-up. Shows fields of your role, and suggested aspirational roles based on your current role.

  2. Based on your current role, you see suggestions that align to skills in your current role. Choose from one of those or add your own.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Review your new recommendations and skills now shown on the Role Advisor page.

