Skill Interests
Based on skills you selected that you want to develop, Percipio shows you personalized recommendations for content you are likely to find the most interesting and relevant. The content displays in a tabbed strip on the home page, making it easier to discover content important to you.
Change your skill choices
You select the skills you want to develop the first time you sign into Percipio. The skills available for you to select from are defined by the learning assets contained in your library.
To edit your skills

- From the left navigation bar, select My Learning, then select Skills Interests.
- Choose the skills you want to develop
- Select Next.
- Optionally, select additional details about the skills.
- Select Done.
The content on your Home page updates with content relevant to your selected skills.

- On the home page, tap manage your skills.
- Tap the skills you want to develop.
- Tap Next.
- Optionally, select additional details about the skills.
- Tap Start Learning.
Your home page updates with content relevant to your new skill selections.