Percipio Update - August 30, 2018

New features Enhancements

Percipio Voice

You can now use voice commands to search for content in the Percipio mobile app. Voice commands allow you to search for content or resume an asset you already started.

Percipio Voice is available for both iOS and Android devices.

Note: To use Percipio Voice you must update to the latest version of the app.

Assignments update

You can now copy an existing assignment. All data, such as audience, assigned content, and business objectives, are copied into a new assignment, which you can then modify as necessary.

Activity dashboard updates

Two tables in the Activity Dashboard, the Channels table and Courses table, have been updated to accurately reflect activity in their Total Views metric. This results in an increased number of views and hours in these tables.

  • Activity for a Channel now reflects time spent in any assets contained within the channel view.
  • Activity for Courses now reflects the time spent in videos and assessments.

Offline content in Percipio mobile app

The Mobile App now offers the ability to make most books and book summaries available for offline viewing.

You can save most book and book summaries to your device, then access them while traveling, or simply to save data usage when wireless is not available. Once you reconnect your device to the internet, all offline progress will upload to Percipio.

Note: Please update the Percipio mobile app to the latest version in order to access download features.