Live Course Hierarchy and Settings

When you set up instructor-led training in Percipio, you follow a course and class hierarchy. For example, if you have two separate training classes that are both identical in the content they cover, but are offered at two different times, you set up one live course with two classes.

For each live course title, you must have at least one class, which signifies when and where the course runs. Each live course can have multiple classes and each class can take place on one date or over several dates. Learners can only register for one live course class and are expected to attend all dates associated with that class to receive credit.

You configure a live course using settings that affect how learners and instructors interact with the course and its classes. Configuring settings at the course level ensures all your classes are set up in the same manner. You can overwrite course settings at the class level if needed, or just specify the settings at the class level if each class is different.

Course settings

Course settings that apply to each class include:

  • Location - physical building where a learner attends training. You maintain a list of locations for easy selection.
  • Classroom - specific room within the location. You maintain a list of classrooms for easy selection.
  • Instructor - a Percipio user with instructor privileges who teaches the class and can manage the roster. You can select more than one instructor per course. You can maintain a separate list of instructors for easy selection. If you do not want the person teaching the class to have a Percipio user account, add their name to the Additional Information field when creating your live course.
  • Registration approval - indicate whether learners registering for a class require approval from a site administrator. This setting cannot be changed at the class level.
  • Course contact - the person who learners contact with questions about the course and registration options.
  • Additional Information specific to this course - use this field to enter details like instructions, prerequisites, or cost.
  • Enrollment settings - limits and alerts regarding how learners interact with the class. Enrollment settings that you can set at the course level include:
    SettingSetting option and behavior if selected
    Allow learners to self-register for classes

    Yes - Learners can click the Register button in the Percipio user interface to sign up for the class. This is the default setting.

    No - Learners do not have access to a Register button. The course and class appear as Closed to learners. Administrators register users in this scenario.

    You can close self-registration one or more days before the class, or set to zero to allow self-registration until the class start date.The number of days prior to the class start date that enrollment closes to new registrants.
    If class capacity is reached, allow learners to join waitlist

    Yes - Learners can click the Join Waitlist button if the class is full. This is the default setting.

    No - Learners do not have access to a Join Waitlist when the class is full.

    Allow learners to self-cancel their registration from class

    Yes - Learners can click Cancel to remove themselves from the class roster.

    No - Learners do not have access to a Cancel button and cannot remove themselves from the class roster. This is the default setting, which only allows administrators to remove learners from the class roster.

    You can close self-cancelation one or more days before the class, or set to zero to allow self-cancelation until the class start date.Number of days prior to the class start date that learner cancellations are accepted.
    Minimum enrollment capacityThe number of participants that need to register to hold the class. Percipio sends a notification to the admin and instructor five days before the class start date if the minimum enrollment capacity has not been met.


Class settings

When setting up a class, you can change any of the values inherited from the course settings, except for Registration approval. In addition, you specify the following class settings:

  • Maximum enrollment capacity for class: the maximum number of registrants allowed to attend a class including both online and in-person. If the maximum number of people register, Percipio does not allow anyone else to register. In this situation, learners can join a waitlist if the Allow learners to join waitlist option is set to yes.
  • Where the class takes place: choose if the class is to take place in person, online, or both.
  • Add URL: if you selected an online option, specify a URL that participants can use to join the online portion of the class. Learners only see the URL after they register.
  • Online class instructions: provide any details necessary to join the class online, such as a password. Learners only see this after they register.
  • Additional information specific to this class: provide any additional instructions the learner may find helpful, such as what to bring, detailed directions, and links to pre-work if required.

Now that you understand the hierarchy and settings available, read how to plan your live course.