Content Settings

Skillsoft partners with many content providers to give your learners access to the best resources available to improve their skills. In most cases learners do not know they are accessing partner content because it is integrated within Skillsoft areas, subjects, channels, Aspire Journeys and Career Journeys.

To access Content settings:

  1. From Site Settings, select Site configuration.

  2. From the left navigation on the Site configuration page, select Content settings. Available settings include:

Included Content

Skillsoft makes no guarantees for partner content, that is why we offer three switches to allow you to control what your users see:

Playback Control

To help meet compliance requirements, you can set the allowable playback speeds learners can use for content. The setting is enabled by default.

When Allow learners to increase the playback speed when listening to or watching content is checked, learners see options to playback Skillsoft courses, videos, audiobooks, and audio summaries faster than normal speed. When unchecked, learners only see options to playback at normal or slower speeds.

Content change notifications

When Skillsoft retires or updates content, you can choose whether learners get notified. When you notify learners of new content, you ensure they are learning with the most up to date views and material.

There are two settings in this section:

  • Notify learners when content they are accessing is retiring: When checked, learners see a pop-up message indicating the content they are accessing is retiring soon. If available, the message also contains a link to a replacement content item. Uncheck this option if you do not want learners to see a pop-up message when accessing content that is retiring soon.
  • Notify learners when content they are accessing has a new version: When checked, learners see a pop-up message indicating that the content they are accessing has a new version available. The message contains a link to the new version. Uncheck this option if you do not want learners to see a pop-up message when accessing content that is has a new version.

Language settings

There are four settings under this section:

  • Include English (US) content in localized search results: Selected by default. When learners site language is something other than English (US) and when this setting is checked, Percipio translates a learner's localized search query and displays matching English (US) content in the search results along with localized content. In this way learners can find English courses and then use translated closed captions in their local language.
  • Allow automated translated closed captions when playing courses that are in English (US): Selected by default, this setting allows your learners to view closed captions in another language when they play a supported Skillsoft English course. Not all English courses support translated closed captions. All languages are selected by default. You can unselect languages that you do not want to offer your learners. Closed captions are machine-translated and fluency may vary. Translations do not apply to in-video text, knowledge checks, or course tests.This feature is only available for Skillsoft courses, not custom courses or Skillsoft compliance courses.
  • Enable English (US) Quick Browse Language Toggle: At this time, learners can only view the library in one language at a time, that language defaults to their site language setting. When this setting is checked, Percipio shows the learner a banner in the Library menu that lets the user switch their view of the library so they can see entitled English (US) content. The learner can then toggle back to content in their preferred language. Disabling this feature removes the banner from the library menu. When you check this option, the learners site language stays in their preferred language, but allows them to switch the library language so they can view content in English.
  • Show English (US) content when local content is not available. This setting allows you to determine whether learners see the default English content of a custom journey when launched from an assignment or learning program if no content exists in the learner's Percipio site language, or whether they see a message indicating no content exists in their chosen language. For example, you create a custom journey with a default language view as English, and with other language views for French and German. If a learner's site language is set to German and they launch an assignment or learning program that contains that journey, the learner sees the journey in German. However, if the learner's site language is set to Greek and they launch the assignment, the journey shows in English, the default language. If this setting is not checked, learners see a message that content is not available in their site language.

Global Knowledge Live Course visibility

Global Knowledge (GK) instructor-led training courses take place around the world and are offered in multiple languages. This setting allows you to select which country's course schedule displays when a learner views the Live Course calendar.

Live courses in a country are most often delivered in the national language of that country.

Countries shown with Funds allocated are those that have available funds for learners to use when they register — learners must select pre-pay as the payment option to take advantage of these funds.

Additional countries can be displayed to learners; however, learners must select either credit card or purchase order to register. If you need an approval process added to Percipio, please contact your Skillsoft account team who can set that up for you.

For learners to see all GK content, you must also create a license distribution between the Percipio ILT license pool and the audience who should have access to the content.

Registration settings

You can determine how Percipio manages inactive learner registrations for your Live course (instructor-led) classes.

When you check Cancel Inactive learner's custom instructor-led training registrations, Skillsoft Percipio automatically cancels all future registrations for inactive learners so the administrator or instructor does not have to, which automatically frees up seats for active users.

Area and Subject Settings

You can configure the behavior for all areas and subjects in the library using this setting:

Hide search results on custom areas and subjects: Default is unchecked. When checked, learners only see subject and channel cards when browsing the library. They don't see the section at the bottom of the cards called: You may also like, which contains relevant search results, helping the learner find additional content.