Executive Report

The Executive report displays a full listing of active and inactive users. It also provides data for a specified time period about the unique user session and number of login sessions, as well as a summary of each user session. You can view the users accessing content, total content accesses, Digital Badges earned, and unique titles accessed.

If you have set a login timeout that allows users to remain logged in until they are automatically logged out of Percipio or they log out themselves, their activity is always counted on the date it occurred, but only their original log in is counted. During the time they are logged in, they may have multiple active sessions. A session does not have to include activity with content.

Specify filters, then select Run report to view the report data in the current window.

To download your report with selected filters, you must select Run report first before you select Download report. After you chose Download report, a message displays with a link to the Reports download tab. Select the link to view the CSV download progress and/or open the CSV file. If you do not run the report first, the CSV download uses the default filters.


  • Date filters: The Date filters apply to all data presented in the Executive report.
    • Date Range Presets: A drop-down list of date ranges that filters the data to the selected range. Select Custom to enter specific dates.
    • Start: Instead of using a Date Range preset, use this to specify a start date. When you enter a Start date, the Date Range Presets filter changes to Custom.
    • End: Instead of using a Date Range preset, use this to specify an end date. When you enter an End date, the Date Range Presets filter changes to Custom.
  • Audience: Predefined group of users. Enter the name of an audience and then select it from the list. You can display the data for multiple audiences at the same time by entering more than one audience name.


The following columns are available in the Executive report:

  • TOTAL USERS: The total number of user accounts within Percipio both active and inactive.
  • ACTIVE USERS TODAY: The number of users with an active status in Percipio as of today, the day you run the report.
  • INACTIVE USERS TODAY: The number of users with an inactive status in Percipio as of today, the day you run the report.
  • USERS LOGGED IN: The number of unique users that signed into Percipio during the specified time frame. If a user logged in and out and then in again during the time period, that user is only counted once. This number could contain both active and inactive users if inactive users were active and logged in during the specified time frame. If the user logged in outside the date range, but stayed logged in during the specified time frame, that user is not counted here.
  • NUMBER OF LOGIN SESSIONS: The total number of times users engaged with the platform during the specified time frame.
  • USERS ACCESSING CONTENT: The total number of unique users who accessed content from within the platform during the specified time frame.
  • TOTAL TIME IN CONTENT: The total amount of time users actively used the content during the specified time frame. Time is listed in (00h00m00s) format.
  • TOTAL CONTENT ACCESSES: The total number of times within the filtered date range that content was accessed. This does not include video launches. For example, if a user launches the same asset twice in the same day, it counts as 2 accesses.
  • UNIQUE TITLES ACCESSED: The total number of individual assets accessed during the specified time frame. This does not include videos, channels, or journeys. When a course is restartedClosed A course is considered restarted if a learner previously completed it and then selected the Restart button. When a course is restarted, the learner sees a new row in their My Activity page and admins see a new row in reports. If a learner just relaunches a previously completed course, no new row shows in My Activity or reports. When a course is restarted and completed, the learner earns a new certificate of completion with the new completion date. Learners do not earn a new badge for a restarted course. within the specified time frame, that is only counted once.
  • TOTAL COMPLETIONS: The total number of completions of all asset types. This does not include videos when they are played within a course. It does include completed videos that were launched in the video-only player and assessments. Because total completions on this report does not include videos played within a course, this number does not match what is shown in the Activity dashboard which does include videos launched within a course.
  • TOTAL BADGES EARNED:  The total number of Digital Badges for courses, tracks, and journeys your users earned during the specified time period.
  • WEB USERS: The total number of unique users who accessed Percipio via the web during the specified time frame.
  • MOBILE APP USERS: The total number of unique users who accessed Percipio via the mobile app during the specified time frame.
  • MS TEAMS USERS: The total number of unique users who accessed Percipio via the Percipio app for Microsoft Teams during the specified time frame.
  • APPLE TV USERS: The total number of unique users who accessed Percipio via the Percipio app for Apple TV during the specified time frame.