Content Promotion Detail by User Report
The Content Promotion Detail by User report provides metrics for the number of impressions and clicks for each content promotion.
Specify filters, then select Run report to view the report data in the current window.
To download your report with selected filters, you must select Run report first before you select Download report. After you chose Download report, a message displays with a link to the Reports download tab. Select the link to view the CSV download progress and/or open the CSV file. If you do not run the report first, the CSV download uses the default filters.
- Date Range Presets: A drop-down list of date ranges that filters the data to the selected range. Select Custom to enter specific dates.
- Start: Instead of using a Date Range preset, use this to specify a start date. When you enter a Start date, the Date Range Presets filter changes to Custom.
- End: Instead of using a Date Range preset, use this to specify an end date. When you enter an End date, the Date Range Presets filter changes to Custom.
If you set the date to START on September 1 and END on October 1, only the promotions that were active within the September 1 - October 1 time period display.
The following columns are available in the Content Promotion Detail by User report:
- USER ID: The value entered in the User ID field. It is used to identify a user inside Percipio.
- FIRST NAME: The value entered in the First name user attribute. Usually the user's first name.
- LAST NAME: The value entered in the Last name user attribute. Usually the user's last name.
- EMAIL ADDRESS: The value entered in the Email address user attribute; the user's email address.
- PROMOTION TITLE: The promotion title.
- PROMOTION TYPE: The type of promotion — content banner or content strip. Image types currently show as a banner type. You can tell they are image banner promotions because they only capture impressions and not click through rates. Image banners also do not have an associated Content title.
- CREATED BY: The User ID of the person who created the promotion.
- START DATE: The date the promotion began (or is scheduled to begin).
- END DATE: The date the promotion ended (or is scheduled to end).
- TOTAL IMPRESSIONS: The number of times within the specified date range the promotion rendered on all learner home page screens. Impressions are not action-based. For example, if a learner signed into Percipio four times within the specified date range and viewed their home page each time (an impression), all four impressions are included in this calculation.
- TOTAL CLICKS: The total number of times within the specified date range learners clicked the promotion to access the content. For example, if a learner clicked the promotion four times within the specified date range, all four clicks are included in this calculation. Total clicks do not show when the Promotion type is an image banner.
- LAST CLICK-THROUGH DATE: The most recent date within the specified date range when a learner clicked the promotion to access the content. Last click-through dates do not show when the Promotion type is an image banner.