New Learner Experience Quick Start Guide

Skillsoft is pleased to launch a new learner experience that will excite and motivate learners to return and continue gaining new skills. This new experience is based on many hours of research and user testing to ensure learners can easily access all current features and that it is scalable to support new features coming on the product roadmap.

Look for the feedback icons on the platform to let us know what you think about the improvements. We look forward to hearing from you!

Note: Access to features and content depend on how your site is currently configured and on your license entitlements. The new learner experience does not change any of your current site settings or content entitlements.


Summary of changes

The new experience provides an overall new visual design with new fonts, updated spacing, and content cards with rounded edges. In addition, learners now see:

Screenshot of Percipio home page. Different features are numbered.

  1. Left hand navigation for both learners and admins
  2. Reorganized My profile drop down menu
  3. Library page instead of a library menu
  4. What's new page highlighting new content and features
  5. Access to all pages from a new My learning page with time sensitive items showing on the left navigation area
  6. Certifications page showing you all certifications that are available for you to pursue
  7. Skill Benchmark page showing all the skill benchmarks available to you
  8. AI Simulations page showing all the CAISY scenarios available to you
  9. AI Assistant (beta) answers your questions about a topic and provides content recommendations for you to learn more. (Rolling out in phases starting in September 2024)
  10. Account information has been renamed to My Settings

You can click the new Main menu option to expand and collapse the left-side navigation menu. If you are an admin, you can switch between your learner view of the left navigation and your admin view of the left navigation.

Parts of the experience that have remained the same include:

  • Home page layout
  • All content players including courses, videos, books, and audiobooks
  • All pages including Assignments, Programs, Role and skill ratings, Skill Benchmarks, Leaderboard, Learn Together, Digital Badges, Playlists, Notes and reflections, and Skill Interests
  • All admin workflows, after accessing them from the new left navigation

Before and After

The following will help guide you further on the changes learners will see on August 4, 2024.