Percipio Degreed Integration


The Degreed LXP connector was developed by Skillsoft in partnership with Degreed. The connector is available to all Degreed LXP customers.

The connector allows customers to launch Skillsoft content both from Percipio and from Degreed LXP in addition to other platforms or integrations in their learning ecosystem.  

The Degreed LXP connector delivers three primary functions:

In addition to the main content connector, you have access to an optional Skills rating connector that brings over skill ratings data to Degreed when a learner completes a skill benchmark in Percipio.

You can get additional information on all these topics from the Frequently Asked Questions and Requirements pages.

How the main content connector works

The diagram below represents both the flow from Degreed to Percipio and the flow of data from Percipio to Degreed.

degreed, percipio flow chart

Automated content management

This is how the Degreed LXP is made aware of the Skillsoft content that is available. Skillsoft generates a Degreed LXP formatted content file to deliver the content metadata information. Degreed then uses that metadata to create, update, or remove each Skillsoft content item as a Degreed LXP external content item. Each external content item uses a Percipio share link. When your learners launch a Skillsoft content item from Degreed, the content launches within your Percipio site.

Content launch and consumption

When learners launch a Skillsoft content item from Degreed LXP or the Degreed LXP mobile app, the item opens automatically in Percipio without a learner having to log into Percipio. This seamless experience uses SAML Single Sign-On. In addition, learners can also access Percipio directly. Any content that learners access directly in Percipio is still recorded in Degreed LXP.

Learner completion tracking

This is how we ensure that the Degreed LXP has a validated completion record for each learner for each Skillsoft content item they accessed. Percipio records all accesses, whether the learner follows an item's link from the Degreed LXP or accesses an item directly in Percipio. Percipio pushes completion data using xAPI.

Optional skills rating connector

When a learner launches a skill benchmark in Percipio, they get an overall rating for that benchmark as well as a rating for every skill associated with that benchmark. You can bring the skill ratings into Degreed for each user so they can track their skill development progress.

If you are interested in setting up this optional connector, see Skills Rating Connector.

Integration at a Glance

Channel/Journey/Dynamic content support

Degreed maps channels, journeys, dynamic content to its course type. Journeys and dynamic content can be completed.

Multi-modal content support

All Skillsoft content types are supported, except compliance.

Multi-lingual asset support

All languages supported by Percipio are available.

Compliance support

All Skillsoft Compliance solutions are not supported at this time.

Content load mechanism

Automated file-based import using the Bulk Content Import process.

Launch mechanism

Single Sign-on (SSO) deep links.

Tracking mechanism

Automated xAPI tracking for all Percipio assets that can be completed.

Content update mechanism

Daily automatic updates for new content and changes in metadata as they are published in Percipio.

Skills rating

Yes, with optional Skills Rating connector.

Learn More

If you are interested in learning more about a Percipio integration, connect with your Skillsoft account team.