Role Customization
The ability to customize roles allows you to grant users specific permissions for different tasks they have to perform within Percipio. Percipio provides you four default admin roles that you can customize: Learning Admin, Manager, Content Curator, and Content Coordinator. Each of these has a default set of user permissions which can be customized. Review available permissions by role.
Percipio also provides up to five additional custom roles that you can define and configure as you see fit. Many organizations use these additional roles to define a reporting-only admin or an instructor-led training-only admin. You can use them to fit the needs of your organization.
To get started, from the Site Settings menu, select Role Customization.
Change default permissions for default admin roles
Each user role has a set of default permissions and set of permissions that can be customized. To change the current permissions:
- Select the role from the left navigation.
- Check
the boxes for permissions you want to add.
- Uncheck
the boxes for permissions you want to remove.
- Select Save changes.
Once you make changes, users have to log out and back in again to see the changes applied.
Restore default permissions for default admin roles
If you made any changes to a role's default permissions, you can restore back to the defaults.
- Select the role from the left navigation.
- Select Apply default permissions.
- Select Save changes.
Once you make changes, users have to log out and back in again to see the changes applied.
Create a custom role
Using one of the five custom roles, you can define a role that allows a user to only run reports on all users in your organization or to only manage instructor-led training. You can also use the custom role for any other purpose your organization needs. To create a custom role:
- Select Create custom role.
- Give the role a title and a description.
- The default permissions are those of the learning admin role. Check
the boxes for permissions you want to add and uncheck
the boxes for permissions you want to remove.
To make the role a Report-only role:
- Check
the boxes under Analytics for those reports you want them to run.
- Optionally, to allow the Report only role to run reports based on child audiences, check View Audiences under User Management.
- Uncheck
the boxes for all other permissions.
- Select Save changes.
- Assign the new role to users by editing each user and changing their role.
- Next, go to the Users menu and select Audience Management.
- Locate the All Users audience in the list and select Edit under the actions menu.
- In the Audience owner field enter the user's name from the list. Users with this role and assigned to the All Users audience can then run reports for everyone in your organization. If you want to limit the reporting to just specific audiences, assign the user to just those audiences and not the All Users audience.
- Select Update audience.
- Check
To make an ILT-only role:
- Check
the box under Content for Manage live courses (ILT).
- Uncheck
the boxes for all other permissions including those under User Management and Assignments. Under Analytics choose which reports this role should view. Live course activity shows on the Learner Activity report.
- Select Save changes.
- Assign the new role to users by editing each user and changing their role.
- Next, go to the Users menu and select Audience Management.
- Locate the All Users audience in the list and select Edit under the actions menu.
- In the Audience owner field enter the user's name from the list. Users with this role and assigned to the All Users audience can then manage live courses for everyone in your organization.
- Select Update audience.
- Check
- Select Save changes to save the custom role.
- Assign the new role to those users who should have it by editing each user and changing their role.
Delete a custom role
You can only remove a custom role that is not assigned to any active user. After you delete a custom role, you cannot get it back unless you recreate it.
To delete a custom role:
- Before you begin, go to Users and User Management. Filter the list on the custom role you want to delete. If any active users have this role, change their role to something else.
- Select the custom role from the list on the left
- From the bottom of the permissions, select Delete custom role.