Date Attribute

 Use the Date attribute if you want your values to be in a date format (for example, a hire date, a birth date, or a certification date).

Using a Date attribute (example)

You want to capture the hire date of your users, so that you can create an audience of all users hired during your organization's fiscal year.

To do this:

  1. Create a Date attribute and name it Hire Date.
  2. Create user attribute page
  3. Once created, the new Hire Date attribute displays on the User Attributes page, but without any values:
  4. User Attributes page. Hire date is one of the attributes listed.
  5. Create a new audience and name it FY2019 Hires.
  6. In the Define your audience section, click Add user attributes.
  7. Select Hire Date user attribute from the Attribute 1 drop-down list.
  8. Select Between from the Operator drop-down list.
  9. Enter a start date of the first day of your organization's fiscal year (for this example, we use 01/01/2019).
  10. Enter and end date of your organization's fiscal year (for this example, we use 12/31/2019).
  11. Click Done.
  12. Click Create Audience. You can now create assignments for all users hired during your organization's specified fiscal year.