Area and Subject Best Practices

With Percipio, you can customize your library by adding a custom menu category and custom areas and subjects. Prior to creating these, Skillsoft recommends you follow some best practices.


  • When planning a custom library area and subject, consider the most intuitive user path. Use labels that are familiar to your learners, and that clearly describe the channels they will find within each subject.
  • Decide whether to add the custom area to the standard menu category of Skill Areas or to a custom menu category located at the top of the Library. You can label the custom menu category anything you want. You can also localize the custom menu category name.


  • Use custom areas sparingly, as creating too many areas in the Library drop-down adds a scroll bar to the list. This could negatively impact user experience.
  • Instead of creating a large number of custom areas, create multiple custom subjects under the same area.
  • Images are recommended (but not required) for custom areas and subjects. If you do not have a custom image, you can select one from the Skillsoft-supplied image gallery or use the default Percipio image.JPEG, PNG, or GIF images should use a 16x9 aspect ratio (for example, 1920x1080px) and be sized no more than 300KB.


  • Library areas and subjects display in alphabetical order. Using special characters (such as spaces, numbers, and asterisks) push custom areas to the top of the Library menu, and custom subjects to the top of their areas.
  • You can choose to have your area display within the standard menu category of Skill Areas or in a custom menu category located at the top of the Library. You can label the custom menu category anything you want.
  • If you do not add a custom area to your custom menu category, the custom menu category does not display.
  • Custom areas and subjects do not display in the library unless they contain published channels or journeys that also contain published content.