API-based activity tracking

The tracking connector service enables the flow of data about a learner’s activity from Percipio to SuccessFactors, using SuccessFactors OData API's. Unlike scheduler service, which relies on the scheduler to run, API based tracking is near real-time,

Note. You can skip this section if you choose to use the Learning history connector to export learning activity..

Configure the SuccessFactors tracking connector API

When a user consumes content within the SF or Percipio platform, the tracking connector shares the learner’s activity from Percipio to the TPLMS. The connector service captures the user’s learning data and sends this data to SF through REST APIs. Once the learning activity details are saved within SuccessFactors, the admin can see the tracking details in various Percipio reports.

Generate the client secret

In order to authenticate the necessary web services, you first need to generate a client secret. The client secret is necessary to enable a token request. To generate a new client secret to enable token requests:

  1. Log into the SuccessFactors LMS as an admin.
  2. Go to System Administration > Configuration > OAuth Token Server
  3. Click Generate a new Client Secret.

Important Notes for working with the Client Secret

  • The values in Client secret, company id, and client id are required to access LMS web services.
  • If you generate a new client secret, previously generated ones are no longer valid. If you have clients that are using a previously generated secret to gain a token, you must update the client to use the new secret.
  • The secret is not stored. If it gets lost, you must generate a new one.
  • When you navigate away from OAuth Token Server page, the secret disappears from the page.