Manage Skillsoft-hosted SFTP

If you choose to use a Skillsoft-hosted SFTP site to manage import or export jobs, you first need to create user accounts so you and Percipio can access your specific folder on the Skillsoft-hosted SFTP site. Once the user accounts are created, you have read/write access to this folder.

This article shows you how to:

For more explanation on why you need to configure an SFTP site in Percipio and the automation processes it supports, see SFTP Management.

Create a SFTP User Account

To start the account creation process for a Skillsoft-hosted SFTP site, you must have:

  • a Percipio role of System Integrator. Contact your Skillsoft account team to be assigned with the System Integrator role within Percipio.
  • a unique email address. The same email address cannot be used for more than one account.

Creating a Skillsoft-hosted SFTP user account, is a two-step process.

Create Skillsoft-hosted SFTP Configuration

After you create and set credentials for an Skillsoft-hosted SFTP user account, you can create the Skillsoft-hosted SFTP configuration. To get started:

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Site Settings > System Integration.
  2. From the left navigation on the System Integration page, select SFTP Management.SFTP configuration is the top section on the SFTP Management page. This area lists the status of any active SFTP configurations.

    • Current default lists the SFTP configuration that is set as default and the date that it was created.
    • In use lists the SFTP configurations that are in use in an active scheduled job and the dates they were created.
  3. Select Manage SFTP from the top right corner of the SFTP Configuration section.
  4. Select Add new SFTP Configuration from the SFTP management page to set up a new SFTP configuration.
  5. On the Create Configuration page, under Authentication select the authentication method Percipio will use to access the SFTP site:
    • Basic Authentication: Uses username and password to authenticate into the SFTP site
    • PKI Authentication: Uses a Private Key to authenticate into the SFTP site.
    • Basic and PKI Authentication: Uses dual authentication, both username/password and a private key to authenticate into the SFTP site.
  1. Under Source, select:Skillsoft SFTP.
  2. Under Name, enter the SFTP configuration name. This can be any name you choose. We recommend it be descriptive of who is hosting the SFTP site. For example, {Customer} SFTP or if used exclusively for scheduled reports, Reporting SFTP.
  3. Under Port, enter 22, the port Skillport-hosted SFTP sites use.
  4. Depending on the Authentication method chosen, enter Username, Password, Confirm Password and/or upload the Private Key. To upload the Private Key, select Browse, then select the Private Key file.
  5. Select Make this the default configuration if you want to use this configuration as the default SFTP site.
  6. Select Create.

Reset SFTP user credentials

If SFTP users need to reset their credentials, you can generate a new Skillsoft SFTP Account Authentication form link for them from the Skillsoft-hosted SFTP Accounts page. The new link will expire after 120 hours.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Site Settings > System Integration.
  2. From the left navigation on the System Integration page, select SFTP Management.
  3. Scroll down to the Skillsoft-hosted SFTP Accounts section.
  4. Select Manage accounts.
  5. In the SFTP Accounts section, find the Username you want to reset. Next to that username, select the Actions menu actions menu icon, gray elipse, then Reset account credentials.
  6. Select Copy link from the Reset account credentials dialog box and share the link with the customer.
  7. Then select Done.

  8. Within 120 hours, the SFTP user must access the link and complete the Skillsoft SFTP Account Authentication form to reset their account.

Delete a SFTP user account

If a SFTP user leaves your company or changes roles, the SFTP account can be deleted.

CAUTION: Be sure to update any active SFTP configurations using the account before deleting it.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Site Settings > System Integration.
  2. From the left navigation on the System Integration page, select SFTP Management.
  3. Scroll down to the Skillsoft-hosted SFTP Accounts section.
  4. Select Manage accounts.
  5. In the SFTP Accounts section, find the Username you want to reset. Select the Actions menu actions menu icon, gray elipse for that user , then Delete Account