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OC_AcknowledgeTracking Data

Use this function to acknowledge the successful processing of Tracking Data Records from a prior OC_GetTrackingData call. Only use this call after the associated TDRs have been truly processed and persisted on the caller’s side and if OC_GetTrackingData returned a non-empty result.

After using this call, any TDRs returned by the associated OC_GetTrackingData call cannot be re-retrieved from the content publisher. Any unacknowledged TDRs will be resent after OC_InitializeTrackingData is called. Some possible scenarios where unacknowledged TDRs may occur are:

Unacknowledged, resent TDRs will have its reset-field set to 1. It is the responsibility of the caller to filter out already-processed TDRs on its side.

A particular handle value may only be acknowledged once.

For more information, see OC_GetTrackingData.



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