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This function does not return the same TDR more than once, even when called simultaneously from multiple threads. A given TDR will only be returned from one of the potential multiple calls to this function.

The only exception is if OC_InitializeTrackingData is called. If there are any TDRs that have been delivered to the caller but not acknowledged then they will be re-sent. Any re-sent TDRs will have its reset-field set to 1.

If the specified username does not exist in the content publisher system, then this function will respond in the same manner as if there were no TDRs available for an existing user.

Note: If you are using OLSA with Privacy Support enabled, when invoking this web service, you must specify the login name of a user created using the UM_CreateUser web service, not the login name of a user created in SkillPort. This is because a hashed login name is required by this web service, and only OLSA (not SkillPort) creates this type of login name.



Additional Faults

The following table lists additional faults this service may produce, along with the error condition that causes the fault.




Indicates no data is available for the specified criteria.