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This function informs the content publisher if it needs any Tracking Data Records (TDRs) that were sent to the caller but not acknowledged by the content publisher. You can retrieve these TDRs by using the OC_GetTrackingData calls.

Any resent TDRs will have it reset field set to 1. This is an indicator to the caller that such TDRs should be examined to ensure that the caller has not already processed or persisted them.

Use this function at system startup before issuing any OC_GetTrackingData or OC_AcknowledgeTrackingData calls. This allows the caller to sync back up with the content publisher if either party has terminated unexpectedly in the middle of a cycle of issuing OC_GetTrackingData and OC_AcknowledgeTrackingData calls.

The following pseudo code illustrates how to use this web service:

// Somewhere in the content consumer system startup sequence…

try {



// It is recommended to execute the first iteration

// of the Pattern 1 code right here as well to synchronize

// any missed TDRs.


// Ideally the remainder of the startup sequence should

// wait until this first iteration in the Pattern 1 code is complete.

} catch (GeneralFault) {

// One possible error case is that the content publisher

// system is not available.


// In this case the caller has the option to implement

// a retry loop calling OC_InitializeTrackingData with a delay.

// Or to skip this step.


// Skipping this step will result in any unacknowledged TDRs

// not to be sent until the next time OC_InitializeTrackingData

// is called.


// Continue with remainder of the startup sequence…



Additional Faults