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This Legacy API is available in OLSA v8 for backward compatibility.  For OLSA v8, it is recommended that you use the UM_CreateUserExtended service which includes enhancements for custom user profile fields.

This web service creates a new user in the OLSA environment. You can create a user in a single group through this API.

OLSA Administrators, managers or end users cannot create a Super Administrator user. Only a Super Administrator user can create another Super Administrator. UM_CreateUser can only create managers and end users. If you attempt to invoke UM_CreateUser to create a user of any other Authtype level, the Web Service creates an end user.

Input Parameters

Form Field

URL Parameter



Customer Id



The sname provided by Skillsoft. The string identifies the customer of the OLSA environment.

User Name



The login name of the user to be created.

The user name is converted to lowercase before it is validated. The user name cannot start with an apostrophe (') or a dash (-). Neither non-breaking white spaces (space, tab, new line) nor double-byte characters (for example, Japanese or Chinese characters) are allowed.

  • Characters allowed: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789@$_.~'-
  • Characters not allowed: <> [ ] ( ) ; \ /

Note: There exists a list of reserved words that you cannot use (doing so produces an error). The following are the most common: add, all, block, count, down, force, link, mount, off, simple, tag, up.

Group Code



This is the Org Code of the group you want to add the user to.

This code creates a user in one or more groups. Submit as a comma delimited list to create a user in more than one group, for example, orgcode1, orgcode2, orgcode3

Note: You must complete either the Group Code or Group Path field; do not complete both. Group OrgCodes are limited to 240 characters.




The password for the Login Username.

First Name



The first name of the user you are creating.

Last Name



The last name of the user you are creating.




The email address of the user you are creating.




Enter an Approval Manager for the user. The value must match the username of an existing user.

Auth type



The role of the user. Specify one of the following:

  • End-User
  • Manager
  • Admin
  • Company-Admin
  • Super-Admin

Group Path



See Group Code.

Birth Date



The user's birth date. Enter in MM/DD/YYYY format.




The user's gender. Enter using M or F. (maximum 254 characters)

Address 1



The user's address (maximum 254 characters).

Address 2



The user's address (maximum 254 characters).




The city the user lives in (maximum 254 characters).




The state the user lives in. Enter the two character abbreviation. (maximum 254 characters)




The user's zip code. (maximum 20 characters)




Country where user lives. (maximum 254 characters)




The user's telephone number (maximum 254 characters).




This field original intent was to store a credit card number. However, you can use it to store any information up to 16 characters in length. (maximum 254 characters)




This field original intent was to store a credit card type (VISA, AMEX, and so forth). However, you can use it to store any information. (maximum 254 characters)




This field original intent was to store a credit card expiration date in MMYY format. However, you can use it to store any information up to 4 digits in length. Do not enter slashes in this field. (maximum 254 characters)




Use this field to enter any other notes or pertinent information about the user, up to 104 characters. (maximum 254 characters)





If the canchangelanguageui SKP parameter is enabled, the language preference of the user being edited can be specified in this field. Valid values are:

  • de
  • en_GB
  • en_US
  • es
  • fr
  • it
  • ja
  • pl
  • pt_BR
  • ru
  • th
  • zh
  • zh_TW


Additional Faults

The following table lists the faults this service may produce, the fault string, and possible causes for the fault.


Condition (response <faultstring>)

Possible Cause



Error: User Name field is too long. Max 255 characters.

The value in the userName field is too long.

Error: Org Code groupX not found.

The groupX value does not exist, or the value is invalid.


Group Code or Group Path must be specified.

The groupCode or the groupPath parameter is missing.

Error: Group not found.

The value in the groupPath parameter is invalid, or the group was not found.

Error: A user with this username already exists.

The value in the newUserName parameter already exists.

Error: First Name field is too long. Max 255 characters.

The value in the firstName field is too long.

Error: Last Name field is too long. Max 255 characters.

The value in the lastName field is too long.

Error: Approval manager name is not valid.

The value in the manager parameter is invalid, or the user was not found.

Error: Invalid AuthId field. Only 'Admin' and 'Manager' can be customized.

The value in the authType parameter is invalid.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field SEX is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field ADDRESS1 is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field ADDRESS2 is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field CITY is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field STATE is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field ZIP is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field COUNTRY is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field PHONE is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field CCNUMBER is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field CCTYPE is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field CCEXPR is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: Unmigrated userstat field FREE1 is not available through this command.

This field was not migrated during the upgrade to v8.

Error: The language selection is not available. Please check your database settings.

The language parameter value is invalid, or the canchangelanguageui SKP parameter is disabled.

Error: Approval Manager selection is not available. Please check your database settings

The manager parameter is a valid user, but the enableUserManger SKP parameter is disabled.