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This Legacy API is available in OLSA v8 for backward compatibility.  For OLSA v8, it is recommended that you use the UM_GetAssetResultsExtended service which includes enhancements for custom user profile fields.

This web service returns all of the usage results for a user accessing a specific asset. If the asset is not specified the web service returns results for all courses taken by the specified user. If summaryLevel=true only course level results are returned. If summaryLevel=false, course and lesson level results are returned, for courses that support lesson level results.

Note: This web service only returns the course results; it does not return results for Learning Programs or KnowledgeCenters. Also note that if you are using OLSA with Privacy Support enabled, when invoking this web service, you must specify the login name of a user created using the UM_CreateUser web service, not the login name of a user created in SkillPort. This is because a hashed login name is required by this web service, and only OLSA (not SkillPort) creates this type of login name.



Additional Faults

The following table lists additional faults this service may produce, along with the error condition that causes the fault.




Indicates there are no results to return for the specified user.