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HACP Tester Tool

The HACP Tester tool page tests the communication link between OLSA and the Third Party Learning Management System and generates a log file.

To test the AICC communication links

  1. Select HACP Tester Tool under Troubleshooting and Debugging tab of OLSA Admin menu.

    The HACP Tester Tool page appears.

  2. Enter the values for AICC_URL and AICC_SID and click Submit.

    OLSA Admin generates the launch URL based on the AICC_URL and AICC_SID provided. OLSA Admin launches and catches the HACP and HTTP or HTTPS communication and displays the results in a new web window. To save the results, select Save To File button.

  3. Enter the location to save the file.

    OLSA Admin writes the HACP and HTTP results into the specified location.