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Supported Characters

The following table summarizes the characters you can use for the core user profile fields:

Field Name

Supported Characters and Format

Maximum Length


  • Valid characters include: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789@$_.~'-
  • Login names cannot start with apostrophe (') or dash (-)
  • Non-breaking white spaces (space, tab, new line) are invalid
  • All user-entered usernames are converted to lower case before the validation
  • Multi-byte characters are invalid (Multi-byte characters include letters of the alphabet in Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean)
  • The following characters are invalid: <> [ ] ( ) ; \ /

The following is a list of reserved words that are invalid:

     add, all, block, count, down, force, link, mount, off, simple, tag, up



  • Blank passwords are invalid.
  • If left blank, the password defaults to username.
  • Passwords are case-sensitive.
  • All single-byte characters are allowed except backslash (\).
  • Non-breaking white spaces (space, tab, new line) are invalid.
  • Multi-byte characters are invalid (Multi-byte characters include letters of the alphabet in Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).



  • All Latin-1 and double-byte characters are accepted.
  • If left blank, the value in the username field is used.



  • All Latin-1 and double-byte characters are accepted.
  • If left blank, the value in the username field is used.






All Latin-1 and double-byte characters are accepted.



All Latin-1 and double-byte characters are accepted.



All Latin-1 and double-byte characters are accepted.