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Case-Sensitive Course Codes

As a matter of practice, we suggest that the launch URL’s returned in OLSA responses or OLSA generated AICC/SCORM/CSV or XML files be used as is and not be manually modified.

If you manually construct your launch URLs or use some other means to create the URL outside of what is available through Web Services or through the OLSA Admin and do not maintain the proper case structure, SPCSF content tracks back to OLSA and SkillPort, not to your TPLMS.

This situation is likely to occur if you upgrade from OLSA 1.1 to OLSA 1.2 or later. Newer versions of OLSA are case sensitive.

Note: All documented URLs use the .com domain as an example only. If your data center is located outside the United States, replace this with the correct domain for your locale. For instance, European data centers use the .eu domain. China data centers use the .cn domain.

The following example using a Course Code of mgmt_02_a02_bs_enus shows OLSA tracking back to the TPLMS with olsa_comm_mode=0 and generates a launch URL similar to the following:


If the LMS launches the course using capitalization as in the following example, these courses track progress back to OLSA/SkillPort, even though olsa_comm_mode is configured as 0.



