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LTI Integration

Skillsoft's Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) solution allows you to integrate Skillsoft content with a third party LTI system, or Tool Consumer (TC), such as Blackboard or Canvas. An LTI integration:

LTI Workflow:

  1. Work with your Skillsoft Account representative to create a unique consumer key and shared secret. The account rep will add the values to your Skillport site.
  2. In your TC, create a resource that links to the Echo page, and click the link. The Echo page returns all LTI launch parameters.
  3. Send the results of the Echo page to your Skillsoft Account representative who will locate the userID and optional assetID and add them to your Skillport site.
  4. In your TC, add this Skillsoft LTI site as a new provider by entering the consumer key, shared secret, and root domain.
  5. In your TC, create new resources that include the launch URLs.
  6. Assign the resources to your learners.


In order to implement the LTI solution, you need a Skillport 8 site with OLSA. Your Skillsoft Account representative must configure OLSA to:

Consumer Key and Shared Secret

LTI uses a consumer key and shared secret to establish a connection. Work with your Skillsoft Account representative to manually create these values:

Once you determine these values, your Account rep will add them to the appropriate parameter in your Skillport site.

User ID and Asset ID

There are two additional parameters that your Account representative will set in your Skillport site:

Both the userID and the assetID values are retrieved from the Echo page, defined below.

Echo Page

Skillsoft's LTI solution includes an Echo page that returns all LTI launch parameters, including the userID and assetID. You will need to create an LTI resource (link) in your TC that links to the Echo page.

To create the link to the Echo page, create a new resource in your TC, such as Blackboard, and add a URL constructed as follows:

After you create this resource, click the link and then send the results of the Echo page to your Skillsoft Account rep, who will add the userID and assetID (if desired) values to the appropriate location in your Skillport site.

Creating Launch URLs

Once your Skillsoft Account representative adds all necessary parameter values to your Skillport site, you can create resources in your TC that include links (launch URLs) to your licensed Skillsoft content.

There are two options for creating an asset launch link within a course.

Note: The launch URL accepts both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

Assign the Asset to your Learners

Once you have created the resources with the launch URLs, follow the guidelines provided by your TC to assign the assets to your learners.