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Skillport RO

Skillport RO

The Skillport Referral Oject (RO) offers customers an easy way to allow learners access to Skillport without requiring OLSA integrations. This course object allows learners to launch Skillport directly from their own LMS.

The Skillport RO is included in an OLSA request for ALL assets, or it can be generated from the OLSA Admin UI Download Asset Metadata page, using the Single Asset Metadata Retrieval option. The AssetID for the Skillport RO is _addon_snl_001.

Single Asset Metadata Skillport RO

Download the RO as AICC or SCORM (depending on your LMS) and install the RO as a course in your LMS.

Any learner launching this asset is directed to the Skillport 8 Welcome page and has access to all entitled content including book, video, and course assets. However, learners will not be allowed access to the following features:

Featured Topics and Library Folders

You can place learners directly into a specific Featured Topic or Library Folder by adding the correct path parameter to the launch URL.

You can also download Folder ROs on the Download Asset Metadata page in the OLSA Admin UI.


You can restrict learners to specific entitled Collections by adding the appropriate groupcode parameter to the launch URLs.