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Download Asset Metadata for OLSA

The Download Asset Metadata page available from the Download menu option, allows you to immediately generate and download content metadata for any content to which you are entitled. You can use the Download Asset Metadata page to:

Download Asset Metadata page in OLSA Admin UI

To download asset metadata

  1. In the OLSA Admin UI, click Download Asset Metadata, then click Download in the expanded menu.
  2. Select the assets for which you want to download metadata:

    If your organization has enabled the ability to download folder metadata, you can use the following options:

  3. Select the format of the downloaded metadata:
  4. Click Submit, and then click OK to confirm the download.

    An entry for the download is created in the table in the Generated Files section. You can click Refresh to refresh the page in order to monitor the download's progress. The Scope column indicates the scope of the download as follows:

  5. Once the files are generated, click the name of the ZIP file in the File column, and save it to a desired location.