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Download Asset Metadata

The OLSA Admin interface provides options for immediately downloading asset metadata in order to integrate Skillsoft content with a third-party LMS.

Additionally, your site may be enabled to:

Use the Download Asset Metadata page, available from the Download menu option, to immediately download asset metadata. You can download all entitled assets, or select specific assets and folders to download. You can determine whether the assets launch in Books Limited or Full Skillport mode, and you can determine the metadata format such as AICC or SCORM. This page also provides access to the generated zip files that include the metadata.

Use the OLSA Asset Management page, available from the Select Courses menu option, to modify the default download behavior for courses and course topics. You can modify the behavior of all entitiled courses and course topics added to your site in the future, or those currently entitled to your site. You can also modify the behavior of specific courses and course topics.

Use the Download Asset Metadata >> Select Folders page, available from the Select Folders menu option, to add Catalog Folders to future metadata downloads. You can add all entitled folders, or select specific folders and sub folders. You can also determine whether the assets within the folders launch in Books Limited or Full Skillport mode.

Use the Download Asset Metadata >> Select Books / Videos page, available from the Select Books / Videos menu option, to add books and videos to future metadata downloads. You can add books and videos by selecting catalog folders that contain the books and videos.

Note: The ‘olsa_scoping_user’ skp parameter can be set by a super admin to scope asset metadata downloads to a specific user's entitlement. Company admins are always unscoped and should not be specified as the olsa_scoping_user.

In This Section

Download Asset Metadata for OLSA

Select Courses

Select Folders

Select Books / Videos