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Given a search string, search results are returned in high-level, customizable categories, bin sets. During a federated search the search phrase is processed against assets that belong to all bins specified in the default search parameter.

This function initiates a search and returns the initial portion of the matching result set. The caller can page through the remainder of the result set by issuing a call to SL_PaginateSearch using the returned searchid value in the result set. The end of the result set is reached when all bins contain zero assets.

The set of assets returned are organized in bins. The assets within a bin are returned in decreasing relevancy ranking order.

This function supports the Simple-user-attributes option of the automatic-user-registration-or-update capability. For more information, see User Registration.

Note: If you are using OLSA with Privacy Support enabled, when invoking this web service, you must specify the login name of a user created using the UM_CreateUser web service, not the login name of a user created in SkillPort. This is because a hashed login name is required by this web service, and only OLSA (not SkillPort) creates this type of login name.



Additional Faults

Example Call

The following code snippet indicates how to call the Federated Search. For clarity the creation of the OLSAService object (service) and display coding is excluded, also values have been hardcoded.