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This web service initiates the custom report to retrieve usage data for specified users. If username, firstname, and lastname are all omitted then all users are processed. If username, firstname or lastname are specified then all users that have a corresponding prefix match are processed. For example, username of smith matches user names such as smith1 and smith2.

Usage data can be further filtered with the optional start date, end date and date modifier arguments. Use the following date format: YYYY-MM-DD (for example, 2007-10-16).

Note: If you are using OLSA with Privacy Support enabled, when invoking this web service, you must specify the login name of a user created using the UM_CreateUser web service, not the login name of a user created in SkillPort. This is because a hashed login name is required by this web service, and only OLSA (not SkillPort) creates this type of login name.


Note: The reportFormat values are case sensitive and MUST be in upper case.


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