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Asset Access Report

The Asset Access Report page allows you to run a report that provides information on the courses that your users launch or download. This information includes data such as the user's name and group, how the user accessed the course, the course title and ID, and the date the course was accessed.

Note: The Asset Access Report provides information on all course accesses that fall within the date range of the report. If you need to filter reports by users or courses, Skillport Reporting, available from the OLSA Admin UI, offers a robust set of reports that provide many options for refining the data.

The Asset Access Report is available in the left menu of the OLSA Admin UI.

olsa admin UI asset access report

About the Report Date Range

The Start and End dates in the Date Range section allow you to report on all accesses that occurred between two specific dates. The default date for each field is "Today", or the date you access the Admin UI. The start time is 00:00:00 UTC. The end time is 23:59:59 UTC.

To generate an Asset Access Report

  1. Select the Start Date:

    Click in the date field and select a date from the calendar. The default date is "Today" or the date/time you access the UI.

  2. Select the End Date:

    Click in the date field and select a date from the calendar. The default date is "Today" or the date/time you access the UI.

  3. Select the Format Option. Click the drop down and choose one of the following:
  4. Click Create Report to generate the report.

The report request is added to the Generated Files list at the bottom of the screen. However, this does not indicate the report is complete since it may still be in progress.

For each report request generated, the Generated Files list includes the following:

You have the following options:

Note: When Privacy Support is enabled, the Login Name field will show Hashed Username, and the First Name and Last Name fields are empty. When Privacy support is not enabled, the system functions without a Hashed Username.