If your site supports Java-free content, SkillPort Administrator uses icons to differentiate Java-dependent content from Java-free content (for example, and ). Admins can use this functionality to make decisions about whether or not to assign Java-dependent content to learners. This configuration can be applied at the Site or Advanced Group level.
Content Icons
Java-dependent content icons are visible on the following Skillport Administrator pages:
Users & Groups
User Management (Catalog Assignment, Learning Plan Assignment, Enrollments and Waivers)
Enrollment & Waivers
Learning Programs
Keywords > Link Keyword
License Manager
Configuration > Completion Criteria
Availability to Learners
Depending on Java-free configuration settings, Java-dependent content is available to learners as follows:
All Java-dependent content is hidden when learners browse the library and search for content. Exception:Java-dependent content has already been assigned to the learner.
Note: To allow learners to complete previously-assigned or accessed content, pre-existing assignments, assets with learner transcript entries, learning program assignments, and bookmarks are not affected by the Java-Free configuration settings.
Job Aids and SkillBriefs associated with Java-dependent content are still available in the Library and via Search, even when the content itself is not available.
Java-dependent content is visible to Admins, and may still be assigned and included in a Learning Program.
If Java content is hidden, learners can still view previously-accessed Java-dependent content in their learning plan and learner transcript.
If Java-dependent content is republished and Skillport determines that the content is no longer Java-dependent, the content automatically displays to learners.