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Completion Criteria

A course's completion status is checked when results are posted to the Skillport database. This typically occurs when a learner finishes a session and closes a course. The learner's results are compared to the course's completion criteria to determine the course's completion status. A course is either COMPLETE (the learner has met the criteria) or STARTED (the learner has started the course but not yet met the criteria).

Video icon Watch: Completion Criteria Overview

You can define company-wide and course-specific completion criteria.

Completion Criteria Settings

You can configure the following completion criteria settings:

Existing Completions: When Preserve existing completions is selected, any existing course completions are frozen (marked to permanently maintain their status of COMPLETE) once your Skillport database is re-summarized. For more information, see Existing Completions.

Completion Criteria: Specify one of the following visitation criteria and, if desired, the minimum time duration.

  • Visitation
    • Achieve minimum test score OR visit all content pages: Learners can satisfy the Minimum test score and scoring model criteria OR page through all topics, whichever comes first. This is the default setting for Standard courses.
    • Achieve minimum test score AND visit all content pages: Learners must satisfy the Minimum test score and scoring model criteria AND must page through all topics. This is the default setting for Compliance courses.
    • Achieve minimum test score: Content visitation is ignored. Learners must satisfy the Minimum test score and scoring model criteria.
    • Visit all content pages: Learners must page through all topics. The Minimum test score and scoring model criteria is ignored.
    • If the course cannot be completed because there are no assessments or because of passive content, do not specify Achieve minimum test score AND visit all content pages or Achieve minimum test score.
  • Minimum total time in course: Specify the minimum time duration (in hours and/or minutes) the learner must spend in the course to achieve completion. The Hours value must be an integer between 0 and 99, and the Minutes value must be an interger between 0 and 59. The default value is blank (no minimum specified).

Configuration: Specify one or more of the following configuration options.

  • Minimum test score: Specify the numeric score the learner must meet or exceed to complete a course, then select the scoring model from the drop-down list. The scoring model is the logic to apply when determining completion. There are 2 scoring models:
    • Each Test (lesson scoring): In order for the learner to complete the course, each lesson test must have a high score that meets or exceeds the value specified for Minimum test score.
    • Average (course scoring): In order for the learner to complete the course, the average of all lesson test scores must meet or exceed the value specified for Minimum test score. Tests that have not been attempted are scored as 0.

    As an example, assume you set Minimum test score to 80. A learner takes a course with 5 lessons and scores 100% on the first 4 lessons, but she doesn't attempt the last lesson test. If Each Test (lesson scoring) is being used, the course is considered incomplete because the learner did not get at least 80% on all lesson tests. However, if Average (course scoring) is being used, the course is marked as complete because the average of all lesson tests (100+100+100+100+0)/5 = 80, which meets the value specified for Minimum test score.

    Note: SkillSims ignore all completion criteria except Minimum test score. Even if you set the visitation completion criteria to Visit all content pages, SkillSims can only be completed by meeting the specified minimum score.

  • Maximum course test attempts: Allows you to specify the maximum number of attempts allowed for a learner to take a course test; after the maximum attempts is reached, the learner can request a course retake. You can enter an integer value from 1 - 99, or leave the field blank (unlimited attempts).

    Note: This applies to Skillport courses only. Third-party courseware cannot use the Maximum course test attempts option.

  • Visit all content pages prior to test access: When selected, prohibits the learner from directly accessing the test without first completing all the pages in the course.
  • Require users to complete all questions in each test: If you select this option, all questions must be answered in all tests in order to complete a course. For Legacy courses, this option only applies when using Average (course scoring). This is because all tests are required by default for Legacy courses using lesson scoring. For CCA courses, this option applies when using either Each Test (lesson scoring) or Average (course scoring).
  • Disable forward navigation based on audio duration: When selected, the forward navigation for course pages is not enabled until the audio portion of the current page has completed and prevents the audio portion from being muted.
  • Allow multiple completions: Select this option to allow learners to restart a course that has already been started. This option will not be available if it has not been enabled on your site.

Note: After you make changes to completion criteria, you must call Skillsoft Technical Support and request that your Skillport database be re-summarized. This updates the completion criteria, updates the summary data for all applicable courses, and reevaluates learners' completion status on all applicable courses based on the new criteria.

However, if you do not want the changes to the completion criteria to affect learners who have already completed affected courses (based on the old completion criteria), first you must 1) freeze existing completions of the courses, and then 2) request that Skillsoft Technical Support re-summarize your Skillport database. Once this is done, you can change the completion criteria.