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Set Global Completion Criteria

You can set global (company-wide) completion criteria that learners must meet in order to complete any course in the Skillport Library. You can specify separate completion criteria for Standard courses and for Compliance courses.

  • A Standard course is any CCA course, excluding Business Impacts, Business Challenges, Test Preps, Assessment Only content, or compliance courses.
  • A Compliance course is a CCA course that is marked as "compliance".

Video icon Watch: Edit the Global Completion Criteria

Note: If you have also set course-specific completion criteria for one or more courses, the course-specific criteria supersede the global criteria.

To set global completion criteria

  1. Click Configuration > Completion Criteria on the navigation bar.

    The Completion Criteria page displays.

  2. In the Global Criteria section, click either the Standard or Compliance course type.
  3. Click Edit Criteria.

    The Edit Standard Criteria or the Edit Compliance Criteria dialog box displays, depending on the selected course type.

    Note: The available criteria options are the same for both Standard and Compliance courses. However, the default completion criteria is different.

  4. Change the completion criteria as needed. For help with this step, see Completion Criteria Settings.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Contact Skillsoft Technical Support and request that your company's database be re-summarized.