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Select inGenius Communities

The Community filter is available for inGenius report templates only. This filter allows you to filter data by one, several, or all communities in your organization. Your Skillport privileges will effect the results returned in your reports. Community Administrators can only see results for their specific communities. Company and Super Administrators can see results for all inGenius communities in the list.

Community Filter

To filter by Community

  1. From the Templates window select any inGenius report type.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Select the Community tab.
  4. Select one or more communities from the list.
  5. Click the Add arrow. The selected communities will display in the right pane.

You can sort either list by clicking the drop-down to the right of the pane.

Community Filter Sort

To remove a selected Community

  1. In the right pane select one or more Communities.
  2. Click Remove.

Note: The Community filter also includes the User Status filter.