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View ILT Course Details

The Course Details page provides additional information related to a specific course, such as the course ID, title, mastery level, cost, and duration. Use this view to change and modify the details.

To view course details

  1. Click Content > ILT > Course and Session Manager on the navigation bar.
  2. Click Course Manager.

    The ILT courses display.

  3. To view course details without navigating away from the Course Manager, click Expand icon next to the course you want to view.
  4. Click Expand icon next to Course Information, or click Expand icon next to Course Administration.

    The course details display below the course listing:

    ILT course details on the ILT Course Manager page

  5. To open the course details on the View Course Details page (to allow edits), click the course ID you wish to view.

    The View Course Details page opens, and you can review your ILT course:

    ILT course details