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Add Administration Details to a Session

Additional details regarding administration can be added to a session while creating a new session. This is part of the process of creating a new session. They can also be added later if need be.

To add administration details to a session

  1. View Sessions.
  2. Click the course for which you wish to create a session.
  3. Click New Session.

    The New Session page displays.

  4. Click the Administration tab.

    New Session Administration

  5. Enter the Administration, Approval Settings and Enrollment Settings information.
    • Session Administrators: Select up to three session administrators.
    • Contact: Edit or remove an existing contact.
    • Session Approval/Manager Approval: Enable or disable Session Approval or Manager Approval for the session.
    • Session Approver: Select a contact to approve session enrollment requests. Enabled when Session Approval is selected.
    • Instructor Can Manage Roster: When selected, the session Instructor can determine enrollments and withdrawals.
    • Close Session: Determine the time frame when you wish to close the session using the options in the drop-down.
    • Prohibit Self-Withdrawal: Allow or prohibit self-withdrawal from a session using the options in the drop-down.
    • Late Withdrawal: Allow or prohibit late withdrawal using the options in the drop-down.
    • Capacity*: (Required field) Enter the required capacity (number of students) in the session.

      Note: The session capacity value determines when the session is full. Skillsoft recommends changing this value to your specific capacity.

    • Minimum Enrollment: Enter a minimum number of enrollments.
    • Low Enrollment Alert (not shown): If a session has low enrollment, select this to enable email alerts. Choose notification options using the drop-down.
  6. Click Save & Add Another to save the session and navigate to the New Session window. Click Save & Manage Roster to save the session and manage the roster. Alternatively, click Save & Exit to save the course and return to the Session Manager screen.