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Copy a Keyword's Linked Assets

As a convenience feature, you can copy one keyword's linked assets to another keyword. This allows you to quickly link a large number of assets to a keyword by 1) performing the copy and then 2) adding or removing individual assets as appropriate.

To copy a keyword's linked assets

  1. Click Content > Keywords on the navigation bar.

    Keyword Management page showing several keywords

  2. Select the asset that has the linked assets that you want to copy, and click Copy Links.

    Copy Links dialog box

  3. In Destination Keyword, select the keyword to which you want to copy the linked assets.
  4. Click Copy, and then click OK.

    The linked assets are copied to the destination keyword. Note that there may be a short delay before your changes affect Catalog searches while the database is updated accordingly.

  5. If desired, add or remove individual linked assets as appropriate.