Variables in Development Plan Templates
Development Plan Approval Request by Learner
Dev Plan Note for Approval Manager: The comment entered by the user regarding the approval request
Manager: The email address of the approval manager selected by the learner when he or she submitted the approval request
SkillPort URL: The URL to the login page for SkillPort
User First Name: The first name of the learner
User Last Name: The last name of the learner
User Name: The user name of the learner
Development Plan Request Approved by Manager
Approval Manager/Admin Name: The first name and last name of the person who approved or denied the development plan
Note FROM Approval Manager: The comment about the reason for the approval or denial
User Email ID: The email address of the learner
Development Plan Request Denied by Manager
Approval Manager/Admin Name: The first name and last name of the person who approved or denied the development plan
Note FROM Approval Manager: The comment about the reason for the approval or denial
User Email ID: The email address of the learner
Learning Event Approval Request by Learner
Approval Manager Link: The URL to directly access the Approval Manager UI after logging in to SkillPort
Cost: The cost of the learning event
Description: The description of the learning event
Duration: The duration of the learning event
End Date: The end date of the learning event
Goal: The goal of the learning event
Manager: The email address of the approval manager selected by the learner when he or she submitted the approval request
Note for Approval Manager: The note supplied by the learner when he or she submitted the approval request
Start Date: The start date of the learning event
Status: The status of the learning event (Not Started, Started, Completed)
Title of LE: The title of the learning event
URL: The URL of the learning event
User First Name: The first name of the learner
User Last Name: The last name of the learner
User Name: The user name of the learner
Whether LE is Required: Whether the learning event is required (true for yes, false for no)
Learning Event Approval Revoked by Manager
Notes: The comment about the revocation
Title of LE: The title of the learning event
User Email ID: The email address of the learner
Learning Event Request Approved by Manager
Approval Manager/Admin Name: The first name and last name of the approval manager or administrator who approved or denied the learning event
Note FROM Approval Manager: The comment about the reason for the approval or denial
Title of LE: The title of the learning event
User Email ID: The email address of the learner
Learning Event Request Denied by Manager
Approval Manager/Admin Name: The first name and last name of the approval manager or administrator who approved or denied the learning event
Note FROM Approval Manager: The comment about the reason for the approval or denial
Title of LE: The title of the learning event
User Email ID: The email address of the learner