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Courses Template

Use the Courses Template to upload course records quickly and easily. The table below shows the correct data format for each field in the template.

Field Name


Course Title

Field is required. Field must be less than or equal to 255 characters.

Course ID

Field is required. Field must contain only alphanumeric characters or the '_' character and begin with ilt_.

Field must be less than or equal to 40 characters, and spaces are not allowed.


Field is required. Field must be one of 0 or 1.

0 - deactivated

1 - activated

Spoken Language

Field is required. Field must be a valid spoken content code (for example, enUS).

This sets the spoken language of the course (for example, the language spoken by the instructor or the learners).

Content Language

Field is required. Field must be a valid content language code (for example, en-us).

This setting determines where the ILT course displays when a user searches or browses within a selected language. Select und to ensure it displays in all searches regardless of a learner's selected content language, or select a language to include it only when a learner searches within that language.

Example: An admin, Joe, creates an ILT course about leadership and sets the content language to es (Spanish). A learner, Kim, searches for an ILT course about leadership, but her content language in Skillport Learner is set to English (United States). Kim won't see the ILT course because it isn't marked as en-us (English (United States)). If Joe sets the content language to und (Not Specified), Kim would be able to see the ILT course regardless of her set content language.


Field is optional. Field must be positive integer in the range 0-99999.

Mastery Level

Field is required. Field must be in the range 0-100.


Field is optional. Field must be a valid amount format according to currency specified and server locale.


Field is required. Field must be a valid code.

Manager Approval Required

Field is required. Field must be one of 0 or 1.

  • 0 - no
  • 1 - yes

Session Approval Required

Field is required. Field must be one of 0 or 1.

  • 0 - no
  • 1 - yes

Course Description

Field is optional. Field must be less than or equal to 3500 characters.

Course Administrator 1 User Name

Field is optional. Field must match an existing course administrator.

Course Administrator 2 User Name

Field is optional. Field must match an existing course administrator.

Course Administrator 3 User Name

Field is optional. Field must match an existing course administrator.

Session Approver User Name

Field is required if Session Approval Required has value 1. Field must match an existing session approver.

Contact Name

Field is optional. Field must match an existing contact or one in the contact upload file.

Instructor Can Manage Roster

Field is required. Field must be one of 0 or 1.

  • 0 - no
  • 1 - yes

Facility ID

Field is optional. Field must match an existing facility or one in the facility upload file.

Classroom ID

Field is optional. Field must match an existing classroom or one in the classroom upload file.

Close Session (days before/after session start)

Field is optional. Field must be in range {-90 -60 -45 (-30.0 to 30.0) 45 60 90}.

Prohibit Self-Withdrawal (days before session start)

Field is optional and can be one of the following:

  • leave blank (renders a value of Never)
  • always
  • a number from 1 to 31

Late Withdrawal (days before session start)

Field is optional and can be one of the following:

  • leave blank (renders a value of Never)
  • a number from 1 to 31

Minimum Enrollment

Field is optional. Field must be in range 0-99999.

Low Enrollment Alert (days before session start)

Field is optional. Field must be (never) or from 0 to 31.


Field is required. Field must match an existing item in the extended attribute list.


Field is required. Field must be less than or equal to 250 characters.


Field is required. Field must match an existing item in the extended attribute list.


Field is optional. Field must match an existing item in the extended attribute list.