Subscription Summary
Displays Books and Videos subscription statistics.
BCS Report Parameter: b24_subscription_summary
Filter Controls
Activity Date Range
- Description: Allows the user to determine the date range for all activity for the report.
- Control Type: Multi-option
Use the following parameters to set start and end dates.
- BCS Parameter: report_start_date (optional)
- Possible Values: <date_value in the format MM/DD/YYYY>
- Default Value: the first day of the preceding calendar month
- BCS Parameter: report_end_date (optional)
- Possible Values: <date_value in the format MM/DD/YYYY>
- Default Value: 'now', or the last successful database refresh
Use the following parameters to set dates for a number of previous intervals, such as, "previous 3 months."
- BCS Parameter: report_date_period (required)
- Possible Values: 1 (Days), 2 (Weeks), 3 (Months), 4 (Years)
- Default Value: 3
- BCS Parameter: report_date_period_count (required)
- Possible Values: valid numeric value with the following maximum value for each report_date_period:
Days - 9999
Weeks - 999
Months - 999
Years - 99
- Default Value: 1
- BCS Parameter: report_to_date (optional)
If you are using report_date periods, report_to_date=true will include all activity for the requested periods plus activity in the current period up to the current date and time. If report_to_date=false, the report will only include activity for the requested periods.
- Possible Values: true or false
- Default Value: true
- Example:
- If report_to_date = true, the end date is always the date the report is run, up to and including the most recent database refresh.
- If report_to_date = false, the end date is the last day of the previous interval. For instance, if today is December 31, the ‘Previous [n] Months’ ends on November 30 and the ‘Previous [n] Years’ ends on December 31 of the prior year.
- BCS Parameter: display_units (optional and used in chart templates only)
- Possible Values: 1 (Year), 2 (Quarter), 3 (Months), 4 (Weeks), 5 (Days)
- Default Value: 3
Only Show Mobile Site Usage
- Description: Provides the ability to only show activity for Books and Videos accessed through the Mobile site.
- Control Type: Single-select
- BCS Parameter: books24x7_mobile_usage
- Possible Values: 0 (unchecked, show all activity), 1 (checked, only show mobile site activity)
- Default Value: unchecked
Seat Status
- Description: Provides the ability to specify a seat status.
- Control Type: Single-select
- BCS Parameter: seat_status
- Possible Values: 0 (deleted), 1 (occupied), 2 (Any)
- Default Value: Any
Select Subgroups
- Description: Provides the ability to include subgroups within the scope of the report.
- Control Type: Single-select check box
- BCS Parameter: select_subgroups
- Possible Values: 0 (don’t select), 1 (select)
- Default Value: Don't select
Subscriptio ID
- Description: Provides the ability to specify a Books and Videos subscription for a list of all subscriptions associated with the Skillport site.
- Control Type: Single-select
- BCS Parameter: subscription_id
- Possible Values: <books_subscription_id>
- Default Value: Company subscription id
- Description: Provides the ability to select one, many, or all users or groups as part of the filter criteria.
- Control Type: Multi-select
- BCS Parameter: user_list
- Possible Values: CSV list of <username> values
- Default Value: All
- BCS Parameter: group_list
User Profile
- Description: Provides the ability to filter data based on user profile fields that have been configured and enabled on the User Profile page.
- Control Type: Logical filter
- BCS Parameter: N/A
Display Options
Required Columns
Average Chapters to Go Downloads per Participant
- Description: The number of Chapters To Go downloads divided by the number of users that logged in during that period.
- BCS Value: average_chapters_to_go_downloads_per_user
Average HTML Page Reads per Participant
- Description: The total number of HTML page reads in the period divided by the number of users that logged in during that period.
- BCS Value: average_page_reads_per_user
Average Other Downloads per Participant
- Description: The number of downloads (other than Chapters To Go) divided by the number of users that logged in during that period.
- BCS Value: average_other_downloads_per_user
Average Video Launches per Participant
- Description: The number of video files accessed divided by the number of users that logged in during that period.
- BCS Value: average_video_downloads_per_user
Books and Videos Participants
- Description: The distinct number of users with at least one session during the reporting period.
- BCS Value: distinctcount_b24x7_user_with_sessions
Books and Videos Users Registered
- Description: The number of users in the selected users/groups registered in the specified time period.
- BCS Value: count_b24x7_users_registered
Chapters to Go Downloads
- Description: The number of Chapters to Go files downloaded by the specified user during the specified time range.
- BCS Value: count_of_chapter_to_go_downloads
HTML Page Reads
- Description: The number of page views during the specified time range.
- BCS Value: count_of_pages_viewed
Other Downloads
- Description: The total number of downloads of MP4 video files, MP3 audio files, and static (non-Chapters to Go) PDFs.
- BCS Value: count_of_other_downloads
Subscription ID
- Description: Unique character string used to identify Books and Videos subscriptions.
- BCS Value: bs_subscription_display_name
Unique Titles Accessed
- Description: The number of book titles accessed across all entitled collections by users in the subscription.
- BCS Value: count_of_unique_books_assets_accessed
Video Launches
- Description: The number of video files launched by users in the subscription(s) during the specified time range. Applies to subscriptions that include LDC only. Does not count embedded videos launched from a Skillsoft Advantage product.
- BCS Value: count_of_video_launches
Default Columns
Optional Columns