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Summary by User

This report is filtered by Enrollment Date, and only includes data for users with enrollment dates on or before the Report End Date.  In most cases, you will want to leave the End Date to the default of today and extend the Start Date to a date prior to when any user enrolled in the Learning Program (LP).

Also note that, by default, the report only includes enrolled users who have started or completed the LP. If you want to include users who have enrolled, but not started, or users that have declined enrollment, use the Learning Program Status filter in the Asset Filter tab.

BCS Report Parameter: lp_summary_by_user

Filter Controls

Activity Date Range


Filter Date Range

Learning Program Status

Select Subgroups


User Status

User Profile

Display Options

Include Timestamps

Show Multi-Group

Time Zone

Required Columns

Learning Program Title


Default Columns

Enrollment Date

First Name

Group Name

Group Org Code

Last Name

Learning Program Completion Date

Learning Program First Access Date

Learning Program ID

Learning Program Last Access Date

Learning Program Status

Percent Complete

Optional Columns

Display First Name

Display Last Name


Group Path
