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Learning Program Detailed by User

Displays individual user activity for each learning program or Live Learning course (and for each asset therein) in which the user is enrolled.

Note: If an assigned Learning Program includes an empty folder, the Status and Percent Started values may be incorrectly reported as "Started", and "100%".

BCS Report Parameter: lp_detail

Filter Controls

Activity Date Range


Filter Date Range

Learning Program Status

Select Subgroups


User Profile

User Status

Display Options

Include Timestamps

Only Show Assets Assigned Through Selected Groups' Learning Plan

Show Multi-Group

Time Zone

Required Columns

Asset Title

Learning Program Title


Default Columns

Asset ID

Completion Date

Completion Status

Container Title

Current Score

First Access Date (course)

First Name

Group Name

Group Org Code

High Score

Last Access Date (course)

Last Name

Learning Program Completion Date

Learning Program Enrollment Date

Learning Program First Access Date

Learning Program ID

Learning Program Last Access Date

Learning Program Percent Complete

Learning Program Status


Times Accessed

Times Restarted

Optional Columns

Actual Duration

Approval Manager First Name

Approval Manager ID

Approval Manager Last Name

Asset Type

Display First Name

Display Last Name


Expected Duration

Group Path


Waived By First Name

Waived by ID

Waived by Last Name

Waived Date

Waiver Notes