User Privilege Summary by Group
Displays the number of users with the specified role or privilege, for each selected group.
- BCS Parameter: user_privilege_summary_by_group
Filter Controls
Custom Filters
- Description: Provides the ability to filter on one or two fields that exist in the report definition. You can define either an AND or an OR statement when using two filters. The field selector drop-down will include all fields that are available in the report definition.
- Control Type: Logical filter
- BCS Parameter: you cannot specify custom filters when running this report via BCS
Filter Date Range
- Description: Allows the user to select one event and then filter that event by date.
- Control Type: Single-select
- BCS Parameter: date_filter_field
- Possible Values: Skillport_registration_dtm, last_login
Static Dates
To enter static dates, use the following parameters with a specific date for the filter_start_date and filter_end_date parameters:
- BCS Parameter: filter_start_date (optional)
- Possible Values: <date_value in the format MM/DD/YYYY>
- Default Value: the first day of the preceding calendar month
- BCS Parameter: filter_end_date (optional)
Dynamic Dates
For dynamic dates that change each time the report is run, use the following parameters:
- BCS Parameter: filter_date_period (required)
- Possible Values: 1 (Days), 2 (Weeks), 3 (Months), 4 (Years)
- Default Value: 3
- BCS Parameter: filter_date_period_count (required)
- Possible Values: valid numeric value with the following maximum value for each report_date_period:
Days - 9999
Weeks - 999
Months - 999
Years - 99
- Default Value: 1
Filter to Date
If you are using filter_date periods, filter_to_date=true will include all activity for the requested periods plus activity in the current period up to the current date and time. If filter_to_date=false, the report will only include activity for the requested periods.
- BCS Parameter: filter_to_date (optional)
- Possible Values: true or false
- Default Value: true
- Example:
- If filter_to_date = true, the end date is always the date the report is run, up to and including the most recent database refresh.
- If filter_to_date = false, the end date is the last day of the previous interval. For instance, if today is December 31, the ‘Previous [n] Months’ ends on November 30 and the ‘Previous [n] Years’ ends on December 31 of the prior year.
Roll Up Members of Subgroups
- Description: Provides the ability to roll up the activity of members of subgroups into higher-level group summary fields.
- Control Type: Single-select check box
- BCS Parameter: rollup_members_of_subgroups
- Possible Values: 0 (don’t roll up), 1 (roll up)
- Default Value: Don't roll up
Select Subgroups
- Description: Provides the ability to include subgroups within the scope of the report.
- Control Type: Single-select check box
- BCS Parameter: select_subgroups
- Possible Values: 0 (don’t select), 1 (select)
- Default Value: Don't select
User Privilege
- Description: Provides the ability to select included User Privileges.
- Control Type: Multi-Select List
- BCS Parameter: user_privilege
User Profile
- Description: Provides the ability to filter data based on user profile fields that have been configured and enabled on the User Profile page.
- Control Type: Logical filter
- BCS Parameter: N/A
User Role
- Description: Provides ability to select included User Roles.
- Control Type: Multi-select
- BCS Parameter: user_role
User Status
- Description: Provides the ability to specify user statuses.
- Control Type: Multi-select
- BCS Parameter: user_status
- Possible Values: 1 (activated), 2 (deactivated)
- Default Value: Activated
- Description: Provides the ability to select one, many, or all users or groups as part of the filter criteria.
- Control Type: Multi-select
- BCS Parameter: user_list
- Possible Values: CSV list of <username> values
- Default Value: All
- BCS Parameter: group_list
Display Options
Required Columns
Group Name
- Description: The name of the group.
- BCS Value: group_title
Default Columns
Admin Management Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_admin_management_privilege
Admin Presentation Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_admin_presentation_privilege
Admin Reports Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_admin_reports_privilege
Admin System Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_admin_system_privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_of_admin
Books and Videos Assigner Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_books24x7_assigner_privilege
Company Administrators
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_of_company_admin
Course Eval Builder Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_course_eval_builder_privilege
Curriculum Assigner Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_curriculum_assigner_privilege
Curriculum Builder Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_curriculum_builder_privilege
Delete Domain Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_delete_domain_privilege
Delete Email Template Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_delete_email_template_privilege
Delete User Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_delete_user_privilege
End Users
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_of_end_user
Enrollment Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_enrollment_privilege
Group Org Code
- Description: The organization code associated with the group.
- BCS Value: group_orgcode
ILT Administrator Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_of_ilt_administrator
ILT Course Administrator Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_of_ilt_course_administrator
ILT Instructor Privilege
- Description: Indicates the total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_ilt_instructor_privilege
ILT Session Administrator Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_of_ilt_session_administrator
ILT Session Approver Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_of_ilt_session_approver
inGenius Settings Privilege
- Description: Indicates the number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_ingenius_settings_privilege
Keywords Privilege
- Description: Indicates the total number of users with the privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_keywords_privilege
Learner Record Assigner Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_learner_record_assigner_privilege
Learning Programs Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_learning_programs_privilege
License Privilege
- Description: Displays the total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_license_privilege
Manage Corporate Folders Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_corporate_folders_privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_of_manager
Multiple Completions Privilege
- Description: Indicates the total number of users with the privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_multiple_completion_privilege
Notification Privilege
- Description: Indicates the total number of users with the privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_notification_privilege
Publisher Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_publisher_privilege
Remove Allocation Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_remove_allocation_privilege
RUM Access Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_rum_access_privilege
Super Administrators
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_of_super_admin
User Manager Privilege
- Description: The total number of users with this privilege.
- BCS Value: number_with_user_manager_privilege
Optional Columns