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Run a User Report

To run a user report

  1. Click Users > User Information on the navigation bar.

    The User Information page displays.

  2. In the Select administrative function drop-down list, select the desired user report:
  3. Search for the user by entering the first letter(s) of the last name, then click Find.

    You can also search by User ID or one of the two customer-defined text fields, if they are included in your user information (for example, account number or corporate ID).

  4. Click the desired user name from the list.
  5. To specify filter criteria for all reports except the User Report, Email report:
    1. To filter the library by delivery method, select the desired Delivery Method from the drop-down list.
    2. To filter the library by course status, select the desired Course Status from the drop-down list.
    3. Select one or more courses to include in the report filter, then click Select Course.

      To select multiple courses, use Ctrl+Click.

    4. Enter date filters, if needed.
  6. To specify filter criteria for the User Report, Email report:
    1. Specify the Email Type, either All, Non-recurring, or Recurring.
    2. In Sent in Last, enter the desired time period. For example, to view emails sent to a user in the past week, enter a 1 in the Sent in Last box, then select Week from the drop-down list.
  7. Select the report output format, either Web browser, PDF, or CSV (spreadsheet).
  8. Click Run Report.