Run a User Report
To run a user report
- Click Users > User Information on the navigation bar.
The User Information page displays.
- In the Select administrative function drop-down list, select the desired user report:
- Search for the user by entering the first letter(s) of the last name, then click Find.
You can also search by User ID or one of the two customer-defined text fields, if they are included in your user information (for example, account number or corporate ID).
- Click the desired user name from the list.
- To specify filter criteria for all reports except the User Report, Email report:
- To filter the library by delivery method, select the desired Delivery Method from the drop-down list.
- To filter the library by course status, select the desired Course Status from the drop-down list.
- Select one or more courses to include in the report filter, then click Select Course.
To select multiple courses, use Ctrl+Click.
- Enter date filters, if needed.
- To specify filter criteria for the User Report, Email report:
- Specify the Email Type, either All, Non-recurring, or Recurring.
- In Sent in Last, enter the desired time period. For example, to view emails sent to a user in the past week, enter a 1 in the Sent in Last box, then select Week from the drop-down list.
- Select the report output format, either Web browser, PDF, or CSV (spreadsheet).
- Click Run Report.