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Assign User Completions

If you have made a learning plan assignment with a non-web-based training (non-WBT) delivery method (such as video, classroom, or CD), you can record a training completion for individual users.

Note: If an HTML link has been assigned and the Completion dialogue box is enabled, the user will get a completion for that non-WBT assignment by accepting the confirmation upon closing the HTML link.

Video icon Watch: Assign User Completions within Advanced Compliance

To assign user completions

  1. Click Users > Assign Completions on the navigation bar.

    The Assign Completions page displays.

  2. To search for the user by Last Name, enter the first letter(s) of the last name.

    Or, use the drop-down menu to select a different search criteria.

  3. Click Find. A list of users matching your search criteria displays.
  4. Click the desired user name from the list.

    The Assign Completions page displays with the user's list of learning plan assignments.

  5. For the desired assignment, select the Completed check box, then enter a date in Date Complete.

    Note: The Score and Comment fields are optional.

  6. Click Submit.