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Email Notification Reports

Data for email reports are maintained for 6 months. Reports may be filtered for a shorter time period (for example, those sent in the past 7 days), but data older than 6 months cannot be returned and viewed in reports.

You can generate and view the following types of email notification reports from the Reports page:

User Report, Email

Run this report to view a list of all emails sent to a user. You can filter by email type and by period of time (for example, sent in last 7 days). This report includes email title, user name, user ID, user email address, date the email was sent, and if the email is recurring. Output types available are web browser, .PDF, and .CSV.

Group Report, Email

Run this report to view a list of emails sent to a group of users. You can filter the list by user status, email type, period of time and job function. This report includes email title, user name, user ID, user email address, date the email was sent and if the email is recurring. Output types available are web browser, .PDF, and .CSV.

Supervisor Report, Email

Run this report to view a list of emails sent to supervisors. You can filter this report by period of time. This report includes email title, email address of the supervisor, date the email was sent, and if the email is recurring. Output types available are web browser, .PDF, and .CSV.

Administrator Report, Email

Run this report to view a list of emails sent to administrators. You can filter this report by period of time. This report includes email title, email address of the administrator, date the email was sent, and if the email is recurring. Output types available are web browser, .PDF, and .CSV.

Invalid Email Report

Run this report to view all emails flagged as "failed" due to an invalid or malformed email address. You can correct email addresses for users, supervisors, or administrators identified here by clicking Email Notifications > Address Mgmt. Output types available are web browser, .PDF, and .CSV.