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Skillport 8 Patch 8 (8.0.2992) September 2013

Books and Videos

  • Icon images for books and video content display generic icons instead of the item preview. (CR 149560)

Compliance (Recurring Assets)

  • You can now change recurring assets to non-recurring in your Personal Learning plan. (CR 134754)

Content Download

  • Some Executive Summaries that previously offered a download option in earlier versions of Skillport do not allow this in Skillport 8; this is incorrect and the Executive Summaries should be available for download. (CR 149785)


  • When you disable the Welcome text on the Sign In page, the Welcome image no longer disables. (CR 146126, 146338)
  • When applying a custom image to the Sign In and Log Out pages, images with a resolution of about 798x244 are no longer resized on the Sign In page. (CR 146129)
  • In Internet Explorer 8, the formatting of course series has been fixed. (CR 146328)
  • Quick Link titles, when updated, now display correctly in Skillport Learner. (CR 146346)

Email Notifications

  • After enrolling in a learning program, some learners receive an approval email that contains incorrect information about the state of the enrollment. (CR 149811)
  • After an ILT course is complete, learners are no longer receiving erroneous Learning Plan Overdue notifications. (CR 146605)
  • Learners who are assigned a recurring course now receive their reminder emails as expected. (CR 146616)
  • When a learner withdraws from a course, the administrator no longer receives multiple email notifications for the withdrawal. (CR 146621)

Featured Topics

  • The Featured Topics drop-down menu does not display on some sites when the featured topics folders have been set up in Skillport Administrator. (CR 149580)

Instructor-led Training (ILT)

  • The Attd, Pass, Score and Notes columns display as expected. (CR 142638)
  • When searching for Facility IDs in the ILT Resource Manager, the correct results now return as expected. (CR 141065, 146442)
  • The correct session count now displays in the Upcoming and Total session counts. (CR 146465)


  • Learners can now search for courses within a customized KnowledgeCenter. (CR 146538)

Learning Plans

  • Group overdue notices can now be changed. (CR 146432)

Learning Programs

  • When setting a Learning Program to Complete all items in order, the system now enforces this flag, and learners cannot access courses from any folder without completing the previous one. (CR 146426)
  • When a Learning Program is set to Complete all items in order, and the learner completes the first course, the learner can now access the second course in the enforced order. (CR 146436)
  • You can now add a new course to an existing learning plan without issue. (CR 146614)


  • The Evaluation report now returns results prior to April 2013. (CR 146530)


  • When applying the In My Learning Plan search filter, you can now expand the search results. (CR 145723)
  • The More Actions link for search results now displays as expected when paging through search results. (CR 145795)
  • When searching courses, the Duration drop-down filter now applies the filter to search results. (CR 146372)
  • When searching for some certifications (training credits), the search no longer returns an incorrect error. (CR 146480)

Users and Groups

  • When moving a user from one group to another, hidden custom profile fields now save their data. (CR 146575)
  • When changing a user's password, once you click Save, the system no longer freezes. (CR 146583)